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13 posts tagged with "release"

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Alchemy Release

· 2 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Welcome to another exciting episode in What's in This Release?

Today, the contestant is you! So what's in the release? If you guessed bug fixes, you would be correct! This was supposed to be a bug fix release, but dear oh dear, we all got hosed by this ridiculous thing known as responsibilities in real life. It was horrible, but eventually it passed, and I can't speak for the entire team, but it sure is nice to have no life again.

Ok, moving on. Ten points for guessing bug fixes, although I've got the suspicion you've been looking at the (Release Notes)[]. Next up, we've fixed some IME handling, but for what language? If you guessed Japanese, you are correct!

Next question, what has Liru been up to? If you said, Making Our Graphics Panel Great Again, you are absolutely correct! You have received another seven points.

The next question is true or false. Did the Alchemy Team give up on OpenSim support like Kokua has? The answer... is... NOPE! There are several bug fixes specific to OpenSim, and not only that, we now support the Hypergrid currency extensions proposed by Chris Colosi.

That's about it. Want more stuff? Report more bugs!

Alchemy Release

· 3 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Welcome to another exciting adventure of Alchemy Release mode. In our last episode is was one year ago TOMORROW and we were updating the things to match Linden Lab changes and performing small graphical feats of tweakage. There have been a few beta releases along the way, got thirsty, stopped at the sev for an ice cold beverage, and then came back for the new season. This season stars a fresh new cast of characters as we've had some new contributors to the team. The rendering system got a revamp from Shyotl and Drake. Oh, you want to know what else has changed? Well, I'm gonna tell you.

Profiles, group, avatar, inventory, all the profiles now bust out into their own floaters, no more sidebar shenanigans. You want to open a dozen profiles and maybe two or three group profiles right now? Well have at it you wild animal. You can also edit your picks and classifieds from your own profile now. Go on, open up that profile and add a pick telling everyone Alchemy really whips the llama's ass. Did you do it? Oh come on, show us some love and add that pick. You know you wanna, fam. We added an undeformer to cure your mesh woes. It isn't perfect, but you aren't that pretty anyway. I'm just kidding! We love you, that's why we added undeform and reset skeleton so you're always looking your best.

On the OpenSim side of things, we now warn you when you're sending your login credentials over an insecure connection. The grid manager got some tweakage too that makes it more reliable. I also sneaked into the Catznip and borrowed some code that now lets you save all your passwords for all your alts. Yep, Aunt Cinder knows about your alts, children, but don't worry, me and your favorite viewer will keep those alts and their passwords safe and secure. We're looking out for you.

It's been a busy year and I'm sure I've missed some things, you can check back at some of the beta posts for a sneak peek, but real talk, most of the work on this here viewer has been performance enhancements and improvements along with keeping up to date with Second Life (you can check out their release notes too, if you are so inclined.)

So kick back, slap that download button, and enjoy the benefits of staying up to date with the most kickingest ass of viewers. OH, AND REPORT BUGS ON OUR JIRA PLEASE! See you again, soon!

Alchemy Release 4.0.0

· One min read
Alchemy DevOps Director

taps the mic Ahem! So after a rather long and drawn out beta period, we are pleased to announce the 4.0.0 release! There have been numerous improvements and large number of bugs that have been squashed. The beta builds have been fairly stable for most users, so we have decided to release what we have with a few fixes as a release build.

Some highlights of this Release include:

  • Updated to include all the changes up to Linden 4.0.0 with various stability and bug fixes from 4.0.1.
  • We've added an Automatic Update system to help make it easier to be on the latest Alchemy version.
  • The much requested viewer side AO.
  • Enhanced environmental tools.
  • Many small graphical tweaks and fixes to improve immersion and windlight behavior.

Alchemy Beta 4.0.0

· 2 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Hello hello, we're back with a new beta release of your favorite virtual worlds viewer, Alchemy. Did you miss us? We missed you. First of all, sorry not sorry for missing a bunch of monthly releases. Full time emloyment is usually the death of open source viewer projects, but here we are and here is Alchemy 4.0.0 Let's get down to biz now and talk about the viewer.

Alchemy Release 3.8.5

· 2 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

It's time again for a new viewer, yes it is, and we've been busy little programmers this time around. It's been a little over two months. I hope you didn't miss us. I hope you aren't outside my house right now peeking through the windows like that crazy Adele. I hope it wasn't you out there, creeping along the bushes, whispering about RLV into the dryer vent. You crazy kids sure do love your RLV! Anyway, we've been all kinds of busy making money the way only technocapitalists can which doesn't leave a lot of time for viewer development, but damn it, we made time! We made time for you, our loyal users who love filing bug reports. So what do we have for ya?

Alchemy Release 3.8.2

· 4 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Hi everyone! Ok, I know you were expecting to hear from us on Sunday since I told you monthly release in July. I hope you aren't mad. This thing came up. Don't worry, it wasn't a bug or anything. It was just... sigh... Well. I'm just going to come clean here. I had a few too many diet cokes, set the office ablaze, and our beta key was incinerated in the fire. After trying hard to replace it, we just had to give up and make 3.8.2 an official release version. Yep, hope you aren't too disappointed this one isn't another beta. Anywho, pull up a slice of carpet and let ol' aunt Cinder tell you what we've got in store for you in 3.8.2.

Alchemy Beta 3.8.1

· 2 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

So I was just roller skating down the street one day and my wheel got caught on the storm drain. I fell on my face and it hurt pretty bad. It's a good thing though, you know? Because I had the best idea in the back of the ambulance. Why don't we do monthly releases? So I brought it up to the rest of the team, and they were like, yeah we'll see. Depends how it goes, and whaddaya know. We've got Alchemy Beta 3.8.1 hot and ready like we're Little Caesar's® over here. Mmmmmm, nothing tastes as good as running an Alchemy Beta feels.

It's better than Little Caesar's® though! Instead of somewhat crusty pepperonis we've got the latest from Linden Lab. Well, I guess updates from Linden Lab are more like the cornmeal on the bottom of the crust... What do you guys think? I'm just dying to know. Leave a comment and let me know plz. Ok, so we have the cornmealy updates from Second Life 3.8.1. We've got your pepperonis in the form of much requested audio stream info. We've got your muenster cheese bug fixes sprinkled all over the damn place. We've got OpenSSL updates among other boring-to-you changes blended in with the sauce, and hey, we even through in some little sprinkle packets of Parmesan cheese just for you because we love you.

It's a $5 HOT-N-READY Beta for your consumption. Come get a slice, friends.

Alchemy Beta 3.8.0

· One min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Hey guys! It's been far too long. So what's up? How have you been? Me? Just splended, splendid. I got my macbook back thanks to the generosity and valor of you, the Alchemy userbase. In thanks, we present to you Alchemy Viewer 3.8.0 Beta.

Alchemy 3.8.0 Beta is the product of six months of work bringing both the latest releases from Linden Lab including the Experience Tools project as well as hundreds of changes and improvements from your pals, us. What changes exactly? Well, not RLV yet, that's for sure. You'll find a few surprises here and there in this release. We're gonna let it be a surprise, and there's a lot cooking in the kitchen for our major 'Release' release coming up. Stay tuned. So without further ado...

Alchemy Beta 3.7.23

· 3 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

Salutations and holiday greetings from the Alchemy team! We are pleased to present you with a new beta release. This release focuses mainly on bug fixes and updates, but we've managed to squeeze in a few little additions as well. Here's a short breakdown: