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22 posts tagged with "alchemy"

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Alchemy Beta 3.7.14 - TPV Celebratory Beta

· 2 min read
Cinder Roxley
Alchemy Contributor

It's been a while since you've heard from us. We've been diligently updating and improving Alchemy. Along with keeping in sync with Linden Lab's latest changes and improvements, we've spent months optimizing and improving the codebase to make it blazingly fast and less susceptible to crashes. Alongside that, we've been hard at work creating new features and polishing up the interface. You may have read that Alchemy was recently accepted into the Second Life® Third Party Viewer Directory after going through the steps to self-certify to provide our users a positive and predictable experience.

There's still a lot we want to accomplish before a final release, but we were so excited to make it into the directory that the team has decided to release a little taste of what we are working on to celebrate! This beta release comes in both Windows64 and Mac64 flavors. (Other platforms will follow in the next release.)

The first thing you're going to notice is the revamped UI. We've decided that Adobe® Source Sans Pro is a little nicer on the eyes, and Sovereign went to great lengths to push around the pixels and make everything fit just right. Among the other easily found additions, Region Tracker, letting you keep tabs regions gridwide from anywhere in Second Life; Legacy Profiles, a new implementation designed from scratch and uniform to the rest of our UI; and Quick Settings, easily accessible next to the volume controls allowing you to change often used settings on the fly. We've also updated and optimized all the viewer libraries to bring you the best experience yet.

While those are some of the highlights, there's much more to be found! Check out Preferences, where we've added more settings, and since this is a beta, there's plenty tucked away that hasn't been exposed to the UI yet, so check out the Debug Settings if you're feeling dangerous. Ready to give Alchemy a try? Get started by downloading it here.

Let us know what you think! One more reminder that this is a beta release. If you find a bug or have an idea, don't be afraid to let us know on our bug tracker or our inworld group.

Lights... Camera... Release!

· One min read

That title sounds like a porno. Anyways, the time has come, we are releasing today.

Alchemy Viewer Beta 14.4.26 is now available for download on our Downloads page. We know that it's been a month over when we said we would actually be releasing, BUT some things happened and we lost people and we are still looking for people to join the project.

If you're interested in joining the project see the previous post, it gives you all sorts of information and stuff. Compiled Binaries are available for Mac, Windows, and Ubuntu 12.04 (including distributions that have equivalent glibc and gcc versions).

So what are you waiting for?

Go download some viewer for yourself, tell us how it goes!

Here are a couple of screenshots for your enjoyment: